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The Rainmaker

03/02/12 5:32 PM

#50748 RE: stlsmitty #50737

Nice recovery today, congrats....happy for everyone. Just one thing I wanted to mention. I noticed a fascinating thing about the run GDSM had from .002 to .03

During the busiest part of the run, nobody was really talking about anything. Nobody was reminding people about the DD on the mining operations and all the good things this stock has going for it on the business side of things. Stock just kept running and people kept holding and buying. Board was just filled each day with happy chatter. Then when that filing hit. Reality kicked in. People were forced to look at the real numbers on the business side. Many had never seen all the early DD, they came here later. You guys all did a great job early on here triggering the rally with all your DD. Might want to revisit those posts again now.

You took advantage of the bounce factor today. Seems to keep your party going more discussion about the positives behind this play might be a wise thing to do. JMHO! Not in here, just have a lot of friends in this and want you all to do well,