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03/01/12 8:41 PM

#61481 RE: NinjaAssassin #61469

Ninja > lol > alrighty then!

Okay, to explain it, this is the only point I was attempting to get across to the board when I started earlier tonight:


Hope this squelches the Spyder - hype/distractions!

I agree with some on this board, there are more important things brewing!


I, too, am somewhat proficient with servers, web applications, etc. as it happens to be a significant part of my profession. The technical jargon you've used doesn't make sense within the context you've use it. I don't know if you were trying to "dumb it down" for public consumption or what, but from a technical standpoint some of it makes no sense.


Okay ninja, yes I was using more laymans lingo, and further more, I learned most of my skills on my own so somthing like this I might have to go back to school for:


I resect you abilities with servers and such, I am week in that area, so if I am wrong, correct me if I am wrong.

I am just wanting to move on to the investing mainely, I like doing DD but my main objective here is to pick a good one!

Like many I have been burned before!

; (

Where I started tonite:

Atrinsic’s crawler works just fine-2!

I just tested it!

Their customer’s web site came up on the first page using Google’s search engine.

Of course if their customer is paying high fees for their advertising campaign, this can help to get the page up on Google’s first page search as well, however, Atrinsic’s product/crawler worked flaulessly, just now tonight!

I know it works, I own my own company and website. I built mine.

Spyder must be an enhanced version of their current program, or, Spyder is already working.

They are not going to give it up if it is proprietary, and possibly patented technology to just any one, especially a stock investor that just wants to take it for a joy ride!

I view it as an added value enhancment for their clients. Sounds to me like their Spyder focuses in better to give the client an advantage to make better campign choices which in the end drives more revenue for, them (Their Client).

If I could get in the back door of their customers website I would know immediately, however I can't/won't, I do not hack, it is against the law!

Hope this squelches the Spyder - hype/distractions!

I agree with some on this board, there are more important things brewing!





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