Thanks for sharing. We will know soon enough. Mr. Richards Jan 5th interview with "we will be advertising soon" did not hold true. However, they did release "some very interesting information" within 30 days.
Thus, I am not completely mad at the management... yet. If they do not deliver in 30 days, then I will be a lot more abrasive here with my comments.
Arthur what you say may have been true for the past. However currently PVSP seems to have found a very nice niche in an exploding market. It looks as though their current business plan is being executed.
If they can release their apps in a timely fashion with outstanding quality the sky is the limit at the moment. They will surely be bought out if they can manage to do this and shareholders will benefit nicely. I might even say making some people rich.
This is only talking apps keep in mind. Who knows what else they may have up their sleeve.
Can they capitalize? That is the million dollar question and I mean that figuratively.