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02/29/12 12:11 PM

#16516 RE: ssrotle #16515

She said a lot more than that. The discussion is not really about the quality of the coffee, and that is purely subjective, it is about the companies and their worth.

You cannot, under any circumstances compare BCCI to Starbucks, not on any meaningful level, period! The only thing they have in common is that they sell coffee however they are totally different in their purpose. One, is the leading coffee supplier in the world the other is an upstart trying to skim some money off of sex to sell coffee. One is totally legitimate the other a simple fly by night operation.

Starbucks has built a worldwide reputation that is admired by most of the financial world, it is traded on the big boards, is held by solid investors and portfolio managers worldwide.

The other is a penny stock being manipulated by a nefarious CEO whom many question his ethics.

Does BCCI have a place in the penny stock investing world, for sure it does.

Is there any legitimate comparison of BCCI and Starbucks… not by anyone other than pumpers and scammers.

Two completely different companies with TOTALLY different business goals and purposes.

There are NO institutional investors in BCCI, Starbucks has countless institutional investors and there are very good reasons for that.

By the way Starbucks Komodo Dragon is a really great coffee and although I buy beans from many different sources, Starbucks like other coffee suppliers have good and bad depending on your personal taste, just like all things!

*** BCCI's management is only strong from if you think a very questionable background is meaningful to profitability! You have to believe that "ANY" deed, and in this case I mean ANY, justifies the end result!