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02/29/12 7:25 AM

#826 RE: dking1964 #821

I think you helped open my eyes and other investors eyes on the progress the Company is making

Defining a term used by Brian Weber, who loves to throw around marketing terminology, in no way 'opens anyone's eyes on the progress the company is making.' It clarifies what he's saying, but it doesn't make it any more or less true. If everything BW or Bebevco said in a PR was true, the company would be in a very different situation than they are now.

I think even Olaf was shocked on how much you know about business.

I was "shocked?" LOL!

I'll be "shocked" when something substantial and meaningful BW says about his beverage company comes true.


02/29/12 10:55 AM

#834 RE: dking1964 #821

Thank you for the compliment, dking.

Must say though, you never know how much there is to learn about something until you get involved in it. IMO, this applies to everything in life, from business, to the military, to music--everything. I have owned two businesses--closed the last one in '05....saw what was coming in the economy....closed out all my stocks then, too. Anyway, I'll be the first to tell you that you could take what I know about business, put it in a thimble, and have plenty of room left over for your thumb, lol! Played music all my life--a buddy of mine and I tried to put together a little band, and I found out that after years of playing music I still didn't know anything about it, rofl!

I didn't post that info about pre-sales to try to convince anyone to buy the stock, though. Only to point out the "two sides to every coin" thing.

Take care--luck and profits to you and all here!