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02/28/12 10:13 AM

#102387 RE: Jeremiah #102385

Jerry the shareholder advance was probably resting comfortably in a bank in the Caymans ten minutes after the totally honest and straightforward CEO JD got his hot little hands on the shareholder money!!




02/28/12 8:18 PM

#102389 RE: Jeremiah #102385

Great question Jerry... I wish I had the answer. The "advances/loans" are not listed in JD's BK filing.. could be for Any number of scenarios.. perhaps JD made the advance/loan disappear by gifting himself additional preferred shares..then 'returned' these shares to the company and called it even....or perhaps, on counsel's advice he claimed the funds as income/salary and the "advance/loans" disapppeared.. I did notice that the IRS has a priority claim filed against JD for roughly $6500.00.. this could be the amount JD owes the IRS if he indeed converted the "advance/loan" to income earned... or perhaps the IRS priority claim is related to JD's personal ATM- WILKES HOLDINGS LLC......and of course there still is the distinct possibility that JD simply opted to omit certain FACTS from his filing....after all we are talking about someone who deducted then illegally retained federal withholding taxes from his employees...and we are talking about someone who sold off shareholder assets..including the LAND and building....then collected an obscene amount of rent as part of his scheme(all on the backs of shareholders- non-insiders- non- *enablers*)... the only way to find out for sure IMO would be via a shareholder initiated derivative suit brought against all insiders and **ENABLERS**....and JD also left out of his BK filing any mention of Carolina Heritage Cabinetry...which now houses the remaining assets.

Scammers like JD and his **ENABLERS** bank on silence from the true victims(SAHREHOLDERS-non-insiders- non-*enablers*)

think about it.. while D&D's suppliers, Banks and individual lenders were suing JD and D&D Displays for nonpayment the wizards of wilkesboro still issuing PR's proclaiming "business as usual"..."diversification"... when the company was actually being sued out of existance via TAX LIENS and bank/supplier/lender lawsuits and judgments.

Those in the *KNOW*.. and proclaiming to be in the *KNOW*..ALL participated in this scam to a degree