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02/25/12 3:21 AM

#19 RE: trader53 #18

"Darkside", "Pull Down", "Bottom Feeder" Plays >

Terms used, that describe "the look" of the "Trip" stock.

A "Trip" stock, is a stock that has three zeros after the decimal point, and is selling at a price between 0.0001 and 0.0009c

Triple 000 stocks, can, and do, have big percentage price moves, up and down. If a trader has good timing in buying these stocks at the right time, the percentage gains made, can be much bigger than most other, higher priced stocks.

The Darkside

Volume accumulation at bottom, signaling it's really the bottom.
This is when most VC (Venture Capital) funding deals start.
It normally takes weeks, to a month, or so, before any "Darkside Play" can be expected.

Keep an eye on volume build, as retail interest increases. Remember "the big guy volume" rule of thumb for starting a "Darkside Play". This will help in guessing if any pop works. Because sometimes a second or third pop is needed, to get interest levels high enough, for them to actually act on their "planned play".

The Pull Down

Price "Pull Downs" are OTC game stock. They hover higher for months and months, with NO retail interest, or volume. The insiders pull the price down for funding, and when the stock reaches the price that the VC's (Venture Capitalists) want their stock, it bottoms and you see accumulation. Most every "stock pennylanders" like these types of stocks. There is another term for trading these OTC sub & Micro stocks. "Bottom feeder" stocks. The accumulation is "bottom feeders" moving in."

"All you need to remember, is that with ALL "Pull Downs", accumulation starts. This is the first step."

The Bottom Feeder

The insiders pull the price down for funding, and when the stock reaches the price that the VC's want their stock, it bottoms and you see accumulation. Most every "stock pennylanders" like these types of stocks. The accumulation is "bottom feeders" moving in." The other term for trading these OTC sub & Micro stocks is "Pull Downs."


02/25/12 3:29 AM

#20 RE: trader53 #18

HRTE 0.0006 >