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lucky, mydog

02/24/12 8:50 PM

#26695 RE: Inwestor1 #26694

We are all hoping that this will cleared up withing the 10 day suspension period and be able to resume trading,

it doesn't matter if the issues are settled or not. by law, a suspension is 10 days and 10 days only. even if this were the most corrupt company in the world, trading will resume on the grey sheets on 3/9/12.

Lucas George

02/24/12 11:59 PM

#26696 RE: Inwestor1 #26694

Investor 1,

The thing is, happy stock holders don't usually go complaining to anybody about anything. When deals are shakey and there are no updates on the deals, and when you call the company or e-mail them, and they don't reply you about where the deals are they get frustrated. Then they call the company or organization they have the deal with and amazingly that company or organization communicates very well actually explains to you who's ball the court is in. Well then this happens, people get tired of doing somebody elses dirty laundry.

But on the other hand, I think it's absolutely flipping stupid, if you have money invested in a company to complain about them to the sec.

It's like working at a restaurant and you feel like you should get a rase, so to do so you tell everyone that comes in that the food sucks, and then call the health department and complain about how unsanitary it is.

It's like trying to get past second base with a girl, and complaining to her parents that she won't go any further.

It's like when a bartender slips you a free beer and then you tell the manager.

It's like when you lend your friend a 1,000.00 and then you date his wife.

It's like when you pay 400.00 for studded tires and then you don't take them of until you get a 200.00 ticket, and then instead of replacing them you pull each stud out with needle nose plyers.

It's like having a morning movement on your toilet tank instead of your toilet seat.

It's like running out of toilet paper and using coffee filters instead.

It's The End


02/25/12 5:50 AM

#26697 RE: Inwestor1 #26694

The facts speak for themselves. You have claimed to be a friend of Gandys. You showed everyone on this board dividend payments way before anyone else here got them. Gandy has not told the truth in one single PR. PGIE has not followed through in almost every attempt with J/Vs. People who contacted the "others" in the Joint ventures found out that PGIE was allways the one who backed out due to non funding issues. They were able to fund one teeny tiny JV with home creek. Come on now.... I could have funded that with my play money. It was a joke. They did press releases on everything from scrap metal to transportation.. Then we find out they dont even own a truck. They were going to sell oil rigs. Yet they didnt fund Jose Macias to build them. I could go on and on here but its not worth it.

Now the new facts are what I said was going to happen. No listing in Berlin. (check my past posts) .0001 pps (we are there) I stated no dividends would be paid. (was right until Gandy got a scare from the SEC). The divis would be worthless. (they are).

New observation here. We all know PGI is finished. We also know McZeal has a new shell..Irce. Connect the dots. From Cmoney to pgie to Irce.... Wash rinse repeat. Steal everyones money over and over again. Your so called friend is nothing more that a half a**ed con man.