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01/31/03 11:35 AM

#3791 RE: SoxFan #3790

As far as theology is concerned, "someday" day I think we'll find we all got it wrong - because people are people and God is infinite. But that's just my hunch....

But assuming that a literal interpretation of "the Word" is the only "right" interpretation and the only "salvagable" interpretation, doesn't one need to consider the integrity of "the word"? Has "the Word" been altered thruout history? The integrity of "the Word" would seem key to the literalist interpretation, on which they are basing "eternal salvation". There are many "versions" of the Christian Bible.

Personally, I think Hillel pretty well summed it all up when he said, “Do not unto others that which is hateful unto thee.” Jesus expressed contempt for the Talmudim of his day. Yet today, there are still those who profess to know it all... Go figure!

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01/31/03 11:41 AM

#3792 RE: SoxFan #3790

Some of the good fellas of Moslem persuasion seem to believe that Allah has many virgins waiting behind the pearly gates - indicating that "eternal salvation" is a wicked orgy..... Who are we to question?..... :)