I know. But, we did have an 80% bounce recently on high volume and no real news during those days as I recall. That's encouraging action.
I'm hearing things are going well at SCMI fwiw. More news to come about Aug. 15th on the audit and merger activity. It's Aug. the 5th now....one week from Monday we should see more good news IMO.
BMG has been putting out millions of cd's for months now...basicly telling AAPL they can stick their iPod where sun doesn't shine. BMG keeps the MediaMax releases coming. Why would they do this if they didn't think it was cost effective/profitable? Sony is now giving MediaMax some action. EMI too...in New Zealand and Australia.
AAPL is allegedly interested in protecting iTunes downloads with MediaMax. You can bet the iPod issue will be a distant memory if this happens. AOL, Yahoo, etc.....are interested in downloading music...they will also sell more downloads if they can significantly curb piracy.
Music video downloads...kiosks etc. DVD opportunity exists...MVSN is not doing so great there now it seems.....