I tend to agree with you in not liking Ann Coulter very much, but if you think for a minute that Rick Santorum has even a slim possibility of being elected I have some great rare coins to sell you. I sometimes wonder if those pushing Santorum are not actually plants from the liberal establishment. If Santorum is nominated, that ensures that their wonder boy gets reelected, so they are doing everything in their power to promote this idiot from the bible thumping super right wing. Obama knows full well that if he runs against anyone who is any nearer to the middle than he is, he stands little chance. Therefore I believe that those who push for Santorum are ensuring the reelection of His Obamaness for a second term. While I don't particularly like Ann Coulter, she happens to be right on this one, and you are very, very wrong. Oh, by the way, opinions are like rear ends. Everyone has one, and you can keep yours.