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02/23/12 2:06 PM

#52790 RE: musicman73 #52785

Well said, Music. And I liked your previous post as well. Something SIMPLE like making a correction to a slogan.....the hold-up is...? I mean, we're not asking them to create Warp Drive or anything, just take 3 little words off the slogan. I've worked in Contracting for 30 years now and small things like that can make the difference between you getting a contract or not. The thing is people need to be held accountable for their actions (or inactions). We live in such a PC society now that accountability just doesn't fit into a business model. Lord forbid we offend someone, oh no, can't have that. Pffftttt. It's just like in school nowadays how ALL the teams get a trophy. Really? What's the incentive to strive for something better if you're going to be rewarded for lackluster performance anyway? You and I as investors should hold management accountable. Nobody here is giving you money just out of the kindness of our hearts....we excpect RESULTS. If someone in the organization is being dishonest, or is a piece of dead weight, then it's time to drop-kick them through the unemployment goal post and get someone in there who can do the job. I, like Music, am tired of excuses and downright lies. I have patience out of the ying-yang to let all of this come doesn't happen overnight. But I totally refuse to be bold-faced lied to anymore. Treat others as you would like to be treated. Want to treat me like an inate chimp? Fine, I'll treat you the same. *Rant off*

I'm really interested to see what happens this next Tuesday. I'll be watching that VERY close.

Anyway, GO HLNT! (and get your act together)
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02/23/12 2:18 PM

#52794 RE: musicman73 #52785

i agree when a mistake is made someone is responsible and that someone should be held accountable. however you are dealing with investors mentality here and when any company is in litigation over a crime their stock price is going to suffer. so when your pps is .0186 or 186.00 you are going to take a hit percentage wise. also i'm pretty sure that the employees of the company are working. simply because one of them misspelled something does not reflect on them working or playing texas hold'em in the middle of three five million dollar projects...