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02/23/12 1:06 PM

#55751 RE: coloradoKid #55750

Ill try and answer that question w a question, " If these shareholders whom were given shares as compensation, or as private placement ( deep pockets), WHY would they sell, just because they CAN sell. What is the difference between them being able to sell, and any that are able to sell now?? Answer: None. In fact, they have waited this long and held, seen what the pps can do ( .026), plus probably know more inside detail on the potential, so I seriously doubt they would sell at these levels, just because they are " able". I for one certainly would not. In fact those that use that point to instill doubt or fear, are using " boogie man" points, And red herring arguments, IMO.
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02/23/12 1:52 PM

#55755 RE: coloradoKid #55750

For starters most would never choose to run an organization in such an unethical manor.

I say this since most real business start ups look at the stock in two ways.

1: maintain price since its the most important asset and needed for funding
2: try to maintain it to keep the investors happy via transparency

Than you have unethical companies that look at a stock as when can they sell theirs and pump and dump it.

So again flushing out the restricted would be purposely trying to inflict harm on them to create a pump to pad their own pockets. Why would they do that?

SNEY is in it to sell stock. As most have already stated they do not want a run until their own stock is unrestricted and can be sold during the rally. Hardly the action of someone creating a business. Why should they care about the stock running prior and purposely depressing it until they can profit from it?

Next would be why would management care about timing if their focus is on operations. Why create models and follow the pump and dump handbook for timing PR's to create the biggest one time run. Wouldn't releasing a steady stream of PR's and updates on operation had worked better since the stock would not have collapsed in the first place? HHMMM novel idea since that's what all respected companies do.

Next the blood letting is not their concern. They cannot stop the shareholders from selling with legal action. Once the year is up the shareholders have legal right to have the restricted legend removed and SNEY would not be doing right if they attempted to block it. So again its not when they would but rather when the date arrives. Now if the question is more when would you sell as a newly unrestricted shareholder? Than I would I would look at it two ways.

1: do I trust they will pull through and have succeeded
2: do I worry about the float increase and potential share price collapse

Last part is the 50m. We have potentially 100's of millions of newly unrestricted shares heading our way. 50m in volume is high based on the average volume but hardly enough to consume the coming flood. What percentage have been newly unrestricted? Not sure but if we use the 1 month average of say 30m than it would appear just 20m is newly unrestricted and debt shares. The rest could be considered normal buying and selling.

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02/23/12 2:40 PM

#55757 RE: coloradoKid #55750

My answer.... been buying the last two days. Will continue to buy!