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02/23/12 12:27 PM

#10092 RE: Loyalhound #10090

It really doesn't make a difference when the ticket changes cause I been in 2 of them with ticker changes and both of them did nothing right after the change. Some believe that a great short squeeze takes place in the day of change but that's not true. Been trading pinks for almost 2 decades now , if you a short in this security you would already know that the ticker change is coming and therefore would have already covered ahead of time thus avoiding the squeeze.

The day of the ticker change IS JUST ANOTHER DAY


02/23/12 12:55 PM

#10093 RE: Loyalhound #10090

The last cusip/ticker change I was involved in ran 300% and spent a week @ 200% before pulling back to a level above where it started. So yes they can and do run. Many have and yes such an event can be an eye-opener.

Regardless of any PPS movement on the ticker change the main reason I am looking forward to it is that it is another step accomplished in the direction the company is taking. IMO this is why smart investors take a look at cusip/ticker changes. To see what appreciable fundamental changes are going on with the company behind the ticker change. SATM has a great plan which will be catching more and more peoples eyes.

Whether SATM runs on the ticker change makes no difference to me. That is not why I invested some funds here. It may however attract the attention of a few other investors. I couldn't care less about any flippers. Just short sighted road kill on the way to higher PPS levels.




02/23/12 1:44 PM

#10096 RE: Loyalhound #10090

What people need to understand is changing a name/ ticker and cusip shows that the company is following through on all promises. This give SATM soon to be GESI one more level of creditalility. They have been transparent and have followed through on all that they have stated to this point. I am excited about the next news...just one more step in the right direction for this Investment. All longs will be well rewarded. I can't wait.