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02/22/12 6:36 PM

#15 RE: Pennybuster #14

Advisory Board

Michael D. Burnaman

Mr. Burnaman received his BSc. in Geology and a MSC. in Geophysics from the University of Houston. Mr. Burnaman has over 35 years of technical and management experience in the oil and gas industry. The majority of Mr. Burnaman's career was spent with Mobil Oil, where he held a number of senior technical, advisory and managerial positions, including General Manager in Azerbaijan.

Mr. Burnaman's career spans both the conventional and unconventional oil and gas sector. Over the last ten years, he has developed extensive experience in the Barnett shale play of Texas and in other shale plays in Louisiana, Oklahoma, Arkansas, Colorado and N. Dakota. More recently, Mr. Burnaman and his associates have worked closely with the large Chinese onshore operating companies developing and advising on shale plays in China.

Mr. Burnaman has authored and co-authored a number of professional papers on seismic interpretation, seismic processing, stochastic modelling and unconventional shale technology which were published in leading technical journals. He is a member of the SEG and the Houston Geological Society.

Wak Kani

Mr. Kani is a geologist with over 34 years in production and exploration positions with significant operations experience. Mr. Kani began his career with Chevron and Oxy in the North Sea. For 11 years he was Chief Geologist for Hardy Oil, now a part of ENI/AGIP. Hardy was a successful British independent oil exploration and production company that moved beyond the North Sea into foreign ventures, including holding a stake in 3 trillion cubic feet of gas discoveries in Pakistan operated by OMV, and undertaking exploration in Libya, Tunisia, Algeria and Morocco.

Since 1995 Wak Kani has consulted to various oil companies including Hess, Statoil and PA Resources. Most recently he was for 4 years Burren Oil’s Chief Geologist in Turkmenistan, followed by Exploration Manager in Egypt and finally Exploration Manager in Yemen.

Wak has a strong background in operations and new venture evaluations with particular knowledge of the oil industry and especially the geology of Tunisia and Morocco as well as the other countries he has worked in