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03/01/12 11:52 PM

#430 RE: starbuxsux #429 are a few more

this is for the kids who parents follow their posts

WTF= Whats The Finding?........has anyone made a determination as to why this stock is selling at a discount?...........

POS= Possibly OutSide the norms of its usual trading channel............

BTFD= Buy The Favorable DIP...........

SOB= Indicates the author has been crying......this could be cries of joy........pain........suffering.......perhaps cries of envy, distress or even anger, has been noted..........

WTF is going on with that POS?..... I dont understand...... I BTFD.......SOB!

Translation: Has anyone made a determination as to why this stock is trading at a deep discount, i bought the dip, and its still trading below its normal channel........this is causing undue distress!


HUGER= The move my stock made today was Huge, but Bubba's was HugER

BIGLY= We think DIRT.OB will move Bigly once that news hits