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02/21/12 10:03 PM

#102223 RE: fourkids_9pets #102222

i only speak and think for myself

odd indeed.. all of these *private*, internal thoughts meant for your eyes and ears only yet the *public* display of these *thoughts*... hmmm... and of course the oft mentioned source of inspiration for all this remarkable, private yet displayed publicly *er*... *DD*.. the *locals*.. unnamed of course.

so which is it? Public or private?

so which is it? Influenced by nobody or swayed by *locals*?

Santa Barbara Broker

02/22/12 4:53 PM

#102233 RE: fourkids_9pets #102222

When EXPH information is represented on their public board as coming "directly from the CEO (of EXPH)" or "directly from boots on the ground (in direct contact with EXPH)" or from "FINRA, the SEC or the NVSOS office" and is manipulated and twisted by the entity to the point where it no longer has any rational meaning but is STILL presented as being 100% factual, that makes the post as much of a criminal misleading statement as any released by the company in a PR to sell shares. Adding a blurb about that information "only being important to the poster" or only "an opinion based on personal DD" or "only speaking and thinking for (them)self" doesn't excuse the entity who intentionally posted false information to enhance the value of the scamming company. They are clearly an enabler of the scam.

They may be a paid enabler of EXPH, they may be a clueless enabler of EXPH, they may be a selfish and self centered enabler of EXPH vying only to enhance their own personal situation. BUT, they ARE an enabler and they do bear their full share of responsibility for luring the naive and less cautious into buying the worthless shares of EXPH under false pretenses. At the point a tremendous amount of this purposefully deceptive and false information was being published on a daily basis by three entities, it was a fact that EXPH was failing and an almost certainty that it was failing due to tax fraud and theft of public/government funds by their management. This was known by those entities yet they went out of their way to lure in as many people as they could to buy shares and keep the price of EXPH stock up for what was certainly their own monetary gain. That is CRIMINAL behavior where EXPH is concerned. CRIMINAL. And those entities deserve to have as much of the blame for shareholder's losses deposited right AT THEIR DOORSTEPS as do James Brown and Glenn Harrs.

There can be no excuse. There is no out. It is a FACT and one that is entirely beyond the need for further rational dispute at this time.