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02/20/12 11:08 PM

#11955 RE: Time2Surf #11953

Who knows, perform4? Maybe it was a 'celestial conjunction of the planets' to confirm the most certain successful future, not only for all of the RENU shareholders, but also, for the RENUAN company & all of its employees & customers, as well! Not to mention the 'boon' that it will be to the good ol' U.S. of A, as a whole! Our present WHITE HOUSE administration ought to learn a lesson from Mr Scott & crew about how to really create jobs in AMERICA, without having to do it while riding on the backs of the AMERICAN tax payer!!!

That interview was chock full of info, if one listens carefully. Now, along those lines, there were 2 particular things that he mentioned THAT PARTICULARLY CAUGHT MY ATTENTION, and enough so, so as to make me feel like there could hardly be any way that this particular play shouldn't make it up into at the least the copper level, if not the silver level! Namely, HE SAID: ''NO DILUTION & HE WANTS TO JUST ASAP GET THE STOCK ONTO THE QT (?) EXCHANGE''! Well, if he pulls that off, you KNOW where this stock is heading;
TO DA MOON, BABY!! Well, let's hope for an up day tomorrow, ey? See you tomorrow AM, 'perform', bright eyed & bushy tailed! GO RENU! Jaime