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02/20/12 10:21 AM

#137397 RE: acgood #137395


They paper over the business failings and lack of delivering on their promises time and time again, which you only notice with continual following of the investment calls (including what they choose not to discuss

Based on the R&D Day telecon this behavior is either not universal or something they have overcome since they publicly terminated several programs in that mtg. Do you remember what the last stealth termination you saw from them was?

(if I had to guess I'd suggest that they might be more transparent now because they have such a fat pipeline. If so it would provide a good cal of their threshold for hiding data.)

PS have they had a recent technology breakthrough? They seem to be killing a fair number drugs to replace them with next gen products.

Tx in advance for any answers you might provide and saving me the time (a rare commodity for me)


02/20/12 11:56 AM

#137399 RE: acgood #137395

ISIS—Has there been any additional clarity in the accounting for Regulus—and in thereby understanding how much Regulus is worth—since this topic was broached on this board last year?

Also, what has become of the HCV program from Regulus and GSK (#msg-47081015)?