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02/18/12 7:03 PM

#102163 RE: Acc441 #102159

Merely pointing out FACTS for you. And the post you responded to was and is 100% FACTUAL.

in what way specifically?
again if the implication
is that expo's mgmt or jd
in particular EVER took
advice or consulted with me

it's laughable and flat out false
and i'd ask what proof is on offer

because it's a fantasy >> what is rather
remarkable here is the conversations i had
with mgmt in sept 2009 *after the 2nd *run*
when i pointed out to mgmt as an investor
who understood the *game* that had by then
been played against their stock >> that the
*goal* then by X entity was the cellar >>

i also posted about that contemporaneously
and got lambasted by more than a few exph
longs *at that point in time* also
in 2009

the bottom line to me is very simple >> there
are X no. of EXPH shares held in 3 locations

they total less than 1 BILLION >> here's to
what is determined and by whom in due course

all jmo