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08/04/05 11:21 AM

#13585 RE: sublime740 #13580

sublime: What they did was put a floor of .004 under the price, when the price had been sinking steadily under .004 for days. Basically they're saying if it drops under .004 again, they'll buy the stock at .004, so that shores up the price and also sends the message that they've got faith in the value of the company. It's a nice trick because they may NEVER have to buy any shares at all at that price, but they've stopped the price erosion dead.

It's the kind of trick I'd never have imagined. Coy must have thought it up. :) I've actually never seen it before and I've seen a LOT. It's genius. The more I think about it the more I love it. Pure genius.

I can't find any holes in it, no escape hatches. It's just brilliant.

If I'd known yesterday they were going to do it, I, too, would have sold other things just to buy up shares yesterday. I knew nothing. As usual.