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02/18/12 12:17 PM

#40415 RE: muskratcuzzin #40414


Hi Rat,

I don't think that these transactions are going to be able to be unwound, at least not in a timely fashion.

It is going to continue to draw substantial resources to prosecute.

Yes, crimes may have been committed.

Right now, the company is basically priced as a shell.

Given this, the best course of action may be to settle and move forward expeditiously.

Some kind of settlement that would be favorable to the shareholders would be something like everyone in the suit returning all shares to the company and dropping any claims on the company (such as unpaid salary, fees, etc.) and turning over management control to the major shareholders so that a new BOD can be installed. In addition, those named in the suit should agree to work with the new team and the legal process toward unwinding past transactions at no cost to the company. This would give you the best of everything and allow you to immediately move the company forward with at least some new technology while you continue to work on getting the old technology back. You may never be able to get the old technology back so moving forward in the interim is in everyone's best interest.
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02/18/12 12:45 PM

#40416 RE: muskratcuzzin #40414

Greeting all,
I'm not a lawyer or do I claim to be an expert in the dealings with the Sec. Wrong is Wrong and there is no denying this. Jack sent me a message saying he is working to get rid of the debt of the company. He showed me no proof and I know it was not him that made anything happen. In my opinion the only debt he wants to get rid of is his own and walk away with some cash in his pockets. Jack has never been forthcoming with any debt he managed to settle. I know Laser and Zack and Rat have done more in taking care of busines with Exoflop than any one else. What has the so called Board done anything? All they want is shares. Jack, I have been a gentleman in trying to talk some sense to you, but to no avail. I have an opinion that you are merely waiting for everyone to give up and throw in the towel. I'm not sure you know who the people involved in getting you out or maybe you think you are too smart to get over on them. You should do some due diligence and find out who some of these shareholders are.They could buy and sell anything you have ever done in your business career. And they are highly pissed. You cant' hide forever. You have never done anything successful in your life in running a company like you say. Show some proof! Everyone I know that has talked with you just shake their heads and wonder how in this world you have ever made anything for yourself or others. Stalling will not help you with your plan. It will only make things worse. You lied to everyone that you could file the appropriate forms with the SEC and it has been a Joke. I don't know why you continue to make everyone suffer under you incompentent leadership. I'm sure that terms could be made that you walk away with a good amount of shares if you could only be honest. Some people are incapable in being honest with themselves and you seem to be one of those people. You put yourself out there that you are as being someone that has high morales and integrity. Prove it! Talk is cheap. I can post anything on a blog say I' the King of Siam. all we have found is lies and more lies. I still say you have no idea or don't care what is about to happen. Your counsel is not helping you in any way. Take a deal where you at least come away with something. The alternative is not going to be good. Respond to me if you want, I look forward to hearing what "stuff" you have to say.

