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02/17/12 6:09 PM

#167862 RE: StephanieVanbryce #167848

The press should not even cover it. It's a joke.....

The Obama opposers don't want to present a single fact, but just continue to mindlessly shell out names that attempt to demonize him based on nothing whatsoever...just like every other Teabagger south of the Mason Dixon line (which they wish was still in existence). It's funny how they wanna vote for people who have not presented a single new idea on how to fix the country, but has a press conference to bitch about every decision the president makes. Pull your heads outta your asses and realize that the facism (that you believe Obama is causing) begins with bashing your own countrymen on how they live (you know...gays, Hispanics, Muslims, black people, women, the poor, the unemployed, unions, teachers) and anyone who disagrees with the ideaology of limited minds and low IQs...AKA Teabaggers.