LLEN - you have it backwards. They would not have any money in LLEN if they smelled trouble.
It's obvious that GEO did walk in on a scam. However it's the dude in the video who is trying to sell a mine he doesn't own.
He took two old mine permits to the government office in July 2011 and convinced them into merging the permits into one that now has a seal.
The original mine owner who's name is in the LLEN 10K could have read the script or at least appeared with him, but he didn't.
Why is he hiding? Because the original owner did sign a sale to LLEN and may not be in this new scam at all.
They got caught by Geo when someone saw the Ad to sell the mine.
Geo, hungry to burn LLEN, a public company, doesn't see that he is in the middle. I hope they realize that they are in physical danger.
LLEN getting busted only works if:
The dude in the video presses charges.
The mine wasn't up for sale.
The dude is angry (he isn't in the video)
GEO and the Shorts really needs them to file charges against LLEN.
Why haven't they!