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02/16/12 5:08 PM

#181944 RE: lbdave #181941

I believe that's a very unfair assesment. Believe it or not, there are people in life who value some things more than money.

Well won't find these type of people on a sub penny message board...Money is the only motivation that drives those who promote this product the way they do....If WNBD collapsed even further leaving us all $0....and those same personnel kept promoting the product for free (supposedly)....only then would I believe they value some things more than money..

P.S.1...To add...Remove your money and shares from this equation....and honestly ask yourself...."Why am I here"....

P.S.2....There are starving kids in various countries....Kids without a fair shot at an education....Homeless Families...the list goes on....

P.S.3....So after asking yourself the contents in "P.S.1"...Why would it be more important to promote a product of a man who is already a millionaire over the contents in "P.S.2"? Helping those who can't help themselves is more selfless than anything else...So please stop with all this "we do it for the greater good" mumbo jumbo...


02/16/12 5:25 PM

#181953 RE: lbdave #181941

Well said.


02/17/12 9:12 AM

#181966 RE: lbdave #181941

Instead of attempting to answer for scup and dirtydave why not let them answer for themselves?

Questions for Scup/dirtydave/eric:

1. Have scup and dirtydave ever been compensated in any form for any of their travel costs associated with any of their endeavors for wnbd ie: mileage expenses and/or any flight costs?

2. Have scup and dirtydave ever been compensated in any form for any of their expenses associated with their endeavors for wnbd ie: such as lodging, gas, food etc?

3. Have scup and dirtydave ever been compensated in any form for any of their time alloted to their endeavors for wnbd?

4. Have scup and dirtydave ever been compensated in any form for any of their efforts on behalf of presenting wnbd's products?