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02/16/12 3:10 PM

#181911 RE: lbdave #181910

WNBD will be a winner, just give it time 2012........


02/16/12 3:19 PM

#181912 RE: lbdave #181910

but I, and several others know for a fact they travel on a shoe-string budget.

May I ask how you personally know this? Do you travel with management frequently? Or do you just know this from hear say?

P.S...If they indeed travel on a shoe-string budget/try to salvage every penny, ultimately, you can assume they would be doing this with EVERY WNBD expense. This would include (but not limit to) monthly salaries. Why does that expense get a pass? If they were so "careful", and thoughtful with how funds were distibuted and utilized, I doubt Salary would be as high as it is compared to how much money comes in YOY, no matter how hard one works. So if what you say is true in regards to travel, it would be safe to wonder, "why is Salary pay not on that same "Shoe-string" budget", to maximize the company's Annual numbers.

Black Beerd

02/16/12 3:46 PM

#181914 RE: lbdave #181910

"opportunity to wittness just how frugal the management team is when they travel"

Frugality in NYC? on an extended stay? There is no such thing as frugality there unless some of the management team share a hotel room.

"others know for a fact they travel on a shoe-string budget."

With what he takes home a month you would think there would be plenty of travel cash for he and who ever is with him . Maybe that shoe string budget gets compromised with payroll injustice.

Dave, do yourself a favor, study up on toxic financing and especially with the likes of York. Its a scary place to be when you hold hands with the devil because they have the drug (cash) WNBD needs badly. When you are out of cash or circling the drain those who stick their hand out aren't the friendly faces you hope they are wanting to help. They are buzzards circling their prey. They may 1st appear friendly because you're desperate then you're dropped into their daily squeeze of their vice grips . Do your homework, you won't be sorry. it may give you and your employer some great adult beverage discussion points.

Where is the real measure of frugality, salaries that reflect his accomplishments or lack there of.


02/16/12 3:56 PM

#181916 RE: lbdave #181910

Thanks for that info Dave. I can believe it having visited there sparse, but neat and clean, office space.