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02/14/12 10:11 PM

#28896 RE: Californicator #28892


I posted just what I think, I'm one of the guy's listed that turned in thier stock for this thing to move forward,

On all boards, there are so many lies posted daily, you can take me with a grain of salt if you like and actually you should since you don't know me,

I can tell you from the time I got in this stock about 4 years ago, it did run from about half a penney to at least two cents, and then it failed,they really never produced anything that I know of....

many people became bitter over it and still are years later
blaming people for lots of things,I assume some warranted....

but as far as I can tell in the past they were simply in over their heads, they had both people with no experience and really the wrong people claiming that they knew the business and I don't think that they did at all, limited funds and some really unqualified people on board is what I think brought it down to sub penney again, and yes some over hype too. Back in those days when news came out the price did go up, but I think they had shares to sell too, but I don't see that anymore.

Then we had a choice, keep our shares and let it float until it drowned or turn our shares in and give James a chance to find something he could put in here,

During that time he kept tight liped, would not talk about anything he souldn't have, and I alweays believed if he cleaned this up as a shell he could bring something in here that would make sense, add value and we could move ahead, just took a heck of a lot longer than I would have liked....

Now,seeing the people who came in, I am blown away, these people are not sub-penney players and James seems to have taken the 2-3 years to really pick and choose,I see no hype, no share dumping or anything I have seen in so many previous penney stocks I have played... And having experienced people in here, Priceless!

the rest seems to be unfolding, hope I'm right, but to me the signs point to positive and the logic for me to see it take off seems to be going forward, I'm excited.....

If I understand correctly a clean shell is very expensive, so my guess is they have a plan, now a shell and asstes of which I have no clue of and that they are executing,

Just my opinion.