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02/14/12 5:39 PM

#39462 RE: odega #39461

That could be the trick odega, when we merge with American we will double our shareholder base. Bringing us to approx 15,000 Shareholders...



King Zulu

02/14/12 6:26 PM

#39467 RE: odega #39461

very well put odega!


02/14/12 8:22 PM

#39472 RE: odega #39461

Thanks, odega! I never thought of myself as a philosopher, just a plain thinking average guy. If my words give some people help, I am honored to have done so.
And, you are right, start with a raft if that is what you can afford. I started out just playing around with my little dinghy, and now I hope it will turn into a yacht! (and no, all you dirty minded guys and gals out there, a dinghy is a very small rowboat, not what you thought I said!;-). )
Good luck to all you CGFIA investors.
If CGFIA gets up and running like we all believe it will, your investment will not only have rebuilt a company, it will have helped the environment around Silverton, the town of Silverton itself, and all the good people who live in and around the area. And all you thought you were doing was just trying to make a buck or two for yourself!
(Sometimes you just can't help doing a good deed no matter how hard you try to avoid it!)