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02/13/12 2:20 PM

#253379 RE: Julius Erving #253378


you seem to be having a lot of trouble, along with many others, accepting that the JDZ (as drilled by SNP) to date was a bust.

That's OK to accept! Because, I have no doubt there's oil in the JDZ, as is shown by OBO-1.

The "controlling element" is not oil or B-gas or T-gas or condensate.

The "controlling element" is the operator, and their experience or lack thereof.

In my opinion, SNP has no business being in the JDZ...they simply cannot handle it (as I perceive it).

But Total can...and when they enter and they will, the JDZ will bear fruit...the BIG question is, will ERHC have the funds to survive until then.

I hope you can finally put it to bed that the JDZ was just a disappointment from SNP's vantage point. Again ***SNP's*** vantage point.

The best thing that can happen right now, as scary as it sounds, is for SNP to drop the whole thing and leave due to pressure from the JDA to move forward in mid-March.

Yes, such an action will bring about considerable turmoil and scare everyone out of their minds...but it will allow for the entry of Total.

Alternatively, Total can just buy out our interests and then partner up with SNP, if SNP just cannot bear to leave after the 100's of millions it spent only to blunder the project (my opinion).

And for those of you who are so convinced based on SNP's website about "oil flows", I think that was truly a translation error.

Krombacher - the above may be wrong.


02/13/12 2:28 PM

#253380 RE: Julius Erving #253378

Maybe you can ask DK the following question, or if you refuse to, perhaps I will directly.

Management at ERHC has outlined three possible scenarios come around mid-March.

1) SNP moves forward.

2) SNP gets another extension

3) SNP just drops it.

But what I haven't heard, and what I would expect from any management on this situation, is the contingency planning.

What has ERHC planned in response to any one of the above three scenarios?

Clearly, if SNP moves forward onto Phase 2, no big planning may be necessary there.

But if SNP gets another extension...will ERHC have the funds to withstand that delay?

If SNP drops it, does ERHC have a marketing plan or courtship protocols in place to woo Total into the JDZ as soon as possible?

Has ERHC even started building any relationships with some folks at Total?

Maybe instead of attending another conference rubbing elbows with Nigerian chieftains...maybe it makes more sense to start rubbing elbows with Total's executives and decision makers?

Krombacher - the above may be wrong.


02/13/12 2:38 PM

#253383 RE: Julius Erving #253378

Maybe you should ask Keeney and/or Ntephe this. Why did it take them two long years to finally tell us that ONLY biogenic gas found and NO oil, NO condensate and NO thermogenic gas. Did the operator suddenly give them permission to do this? All of a sudden they can release whatever they want about drilling results when they couldn't before. The excuse that the operator wouldn't let them release any more was a ruse all along? I have been saying all along that they were deliberately witholding information and that they could release more but they were trying to obfiscate the truth. That now appears to be spot on.

Of course now that they finally are telling the truth nobody believes them anyway. How ironic.


02/13/12 7:58 PM

#253405 RE: Julius Erving #253378

Well well well base on keeney's statement why would snp hang around the jdz at all after mar.15th ? Glta. Dig.