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02/13/12 9:15 AM

#40502 RE: rocky301 #40498

Hi Rocky301,

Please do not read too much into this comment. It is not intended in a negative or anyway that should make a person think a certain way.
This Dr. has his heart into this science and he is doing everything he can to ensure that he delivers a cure for the blind.
When I say he (this includes the team)
My statement was a personal thought out loud. I would think that they all would chip in to help see their company succeed. I use that from a real life example, someone who was very close to me...whatever personal money he made, he put it back into the business when it was at its infancy stage and guess way it paid off big time.

I know it is hard sometime to explain our self on here. Again, if it was out of place or confusing I hope the above explained what I was trying to say

P.S - I speak 5 languages, I have been confusing my wife for the past 17yrs, so I do not blame you...Just know that I always mean well.


02/13/12 10:20 AM

#40508 RE: rocky301 #40498

I'm sure Dr Lanza does know that he will succeed! he has succeeded at most everything he's done since he was a little kid--overcoming great obstacles of poverty and family troubles!

But I have never read anything that suggests he funded the trials himself. If you say he did, please post a link confirming this! no links, no facts!