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02/12/12 10:44 PM

#5959 RE: bikaver #5958

AGREE TOTALLY BUD I also found this on ALZM~~~ALZM has insurmountable patent protections (4 issued and 4 pending) as well as the enthusiastic backing of the most important figures in the organ transplant industry.
The biggest names in “organ transplant”
are enthusiastically backing ALZM

Gene Pearce, who is considered “the patriarch of organ transplant in the US.” Pearce is the founder and Chairman Emeritus of the United Network for Organ Sharing (UNOS), the quasi-governmental body that regulates organ transplantation in the US and controls the highly restricted “wait list.” His association with ALZM should help fast-track FDA approval.

These leaders have enthusiastically backed ALZMand joined the company’s boards because they know this is a revolutionary technology that will transform the industry and SAVE HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS OF LIVES!

And consider the dollars involved...

One heart transplant
costs $1 million

A typical organ transplant costs between $200,000 and $800,000, and when you add in the immunosuppressant drugs that must be taken for life, the costs go up an additional $150,000 to $300,000 per patient (a big reason pharma companies will want to acquire ALZM). For example...

That’s right, 60,000 heart patients could benefit! At $1 million per operation!

But no one talks about such a number because, realistically, you can’t get the hearts. But ALZM has a way to dramatically expand the number of donor hearts, as you’ll see just ahead...

But first, you should know...

ALZM is starting with heart transplants for two reasons – first, it’s a BIG MARKET with a huge unmet need (currently only 27% success rate), and, second, it’s a life- or-death situation where ALZM can make a huge difference!

But soon enough, ALZM will branch out to lungs, kidneys, livers, pancreases, intestines, gall bladders, as well as to limbs, because the company’s “proprietary technology” can be adapted to all organs and limbs. In fact...

The Life Cradle™ System could be used by our military on the battlefield!

The Pentagon is excited about the prospects of reattaching limbs lost by soldiers in battle. The Life Cradle™ System can easily be included in a military unit’s support gear, and the injured soldier and his/her lost limb can be evacuated to the nearest medical facility for surgical repair.

Investors can feel proud to help our brave men and women in uniform, but this also saves taxpayer money because it eliminates the need for prosthetics and long-term therapy for our Vets who will now keep their own limbs! It’s a win, win!

Are you beginning to see why ALZM shares could quickly climb 10, 20, even 30 times higher? You don’t know the half of it...

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The ALZM technology will soon rocket a $21 billion industry to $60 billion!

THIS IS KEY: Eventually, the ALZM technology should make it possible for everyone who needs a replacement organ to get one...

Today, over 100,000 people are on the organ-transplant waitlist, but if everybody who needed an organ could get one, the waitlist would grow to 300,000 patients – and that’s just in the US. The European and Asian markets are twice this size!

But what you MUST GRASP is that this $21 billion to $60 billion market expansion makes ALZM the most valuable company for acquisition by at least a dozen big medical device and pharmaceutical companies, including...

Especially note Johnson & Johnson, which has a medical-device division, plus a pharmaceutical division that includes immunology drugs. Remember, transplant patients must take expensive immunosuppressant drugs for life, and Johnson & Johnson can provide them.

Also note Cardinal Health, which has a medical-device division plus a drug distribution division. Analysts say the drug distribution industry in America is mature with very little room to grow. But ALZM would give Cardinal Health tremendous growth potential!

And in addition to the giants above, several smaller players, such as Hospira, Biomet or Invacare, could swoop in early and make the acquisition, since it would instantly put them atop a $6 billion (and growing) procurement market!

But enough BIG PICTURE stuff! Let me show you the amazing technology at the heart of the Life Cradle™ System and why it will transform the market!

Let’s start with the biggest problem ALZM solves – why the vast majority of organs, including 73% of hearts and 92% of lungs, are severely damaged or killed in transit.

And at this point, I’m going to switch exclusively to “heart transplants” since this is ALZM’s initial focus – a HUGE market at $1 million per operation, and also the most important in terms of emergency unmet need.

ALZM’s super advanced
technology replaces
primitive system

You may be surprise to learn that all donated hearts come from brain-dead but living persons. And it’s always an emotionally charged situation, with the family reluctant to “let go” of their loved one.

Unfortunately, the longer the wait, the more the heart deteriorates in the dying body. But a big advantage of the Life Cradle™ System is that it can actually resuscitate the heart in transit (more on this just ahead).

But once the family gives its approval, the transplant team leaps into action, harvesting the heart, flushing it with a purifying fluid, and then putting it in a plastic bag on ice in a picnic cooler.

And then it’s a “race for time.” And often the transplant surgeon flies by helicopter to the donor, makes the harvest, then flies in the same helicopter back to the transplant center for the operation, all of which is very costly.

But in spite of the big rush, a serious problem isn’t addressed...

Once the heart is harvested, it continues to metabolize, which means it needs oxygen and life-sustaining nutrients. And if it doesn’t get them it deteriorates and soon dies.

Unfortunately, the Igloo cooler provides nothing beyond ice and a “sealed environment.” And the ice damages the heart by freezing surface cells. And, what’s more, without proper nourishment and oxygen, the harvested heart builds up lactate, a biochemical byproduct of stress that causes heart damage.

The time factor is so critical that when an organ transplant center receives word a heart is available, the first question is, “How fast can you get it here?” If the answer is over “4 hours,” the heart will be rejected outright.

So the biggest limitation is geographic. Just how far can you travel in 1 to 2 hours before the heart is too far gone? And then...

When a donated heart arrives at the transplant center, the surgeon makes a physical examination and a “judgment call” on its likelihood of producing a successful outcome.

You can’t put a bad heart in somebody because you’ll kill them, so the surgeon’s “judgment call” is critical.

And yet he has no scientific data and no time for testing, as the“window of opportunity” to perform a successful transplant is fast closing on him.

ALZM completely solves this problem, providing a computer-generated “health status” report, and equally important, added time, if the surgeon wants to do further testing before proceeding.

Life-Cradle™ eliminates
tragic loss of donor organs

To drive this point home, recently 23 donor hearts became available in El Paso (western side of Texas), but since the transplant centers are in Dallas, Houston, and Austin (east side of Texas) not one arrived in time to be safely used.

That’s 23 lives that could’ve been saved but weren’t. And 23 donors that wanted to make a difference but didn’t. Sadly, all the hearts were wasted.

What’s more, when you have just 1 to 2 hours transit time, you don’t have the luxury of getting the best donor-to-recipient match. Many transplanted hearts are rejected by the recipient’s body because of a poor match, which can result in death, or the need for a second emergency transplant.

The worst part is that everything is rushed, and therefore highly risky