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02/12/12 12:54 AM

#1701 RE: HipHop G #1700

Hi HipHop G. Very good questions. You made a very good observation in that the spread between the B/A was quite large at times. That is generally the case with these low float stocks. Until volume comes in there is usually that big gap. We saw it "Tighten" on Wednesday when we saw SKGP run and volume come in.

Regarding the after hours trading. Pennies do not trade after the close unlike regular Stocks which is why your Orders were rejected as you said. Also, after the close in many Pennies you will see a huge Gap between the Bid/Ask as many Market Makers take their Orders off the "Books" until the next trading day. Lets say if a stock closed at .03 you may see after the close a huge difference of say a bid of .001 and an ask of .10. That is normal and things correct themselves on the following trading day when the Market Makers put their Orders back up.

Lastly, regarding the Stock Haven Board. That is the way it is. Most will not buy into anything until they see it moving. That is not the way to do it. The best bet is to buy on a down day. Unfortunately most wait til the spike up as the other day when everyone was more than happy to buy in on the Run.

I truly believe we will be OK here. Like you said; the stock moves very quickly on very little volume. Hang in there my Friend and you will be OK despite being down as you said. Take care.