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02/08/12 11:51 PM

#5259 RE: luckydude777 #5258

Thanks luckydude for the background. Naked shorting is a plausible explanation for how they able to tank the stock after the last earnings report. Maybe the only plausible explanation. Who is anxious to sell a stock that just reported they have 0.40 cents cash and 0.13 per share quarterly earnings for for less than 10 cents. Someone who can naked short might be interested, but not very many other people (even if you knew it was a scam wouldn't you let it run and then sell?).

But if there is an infinite source of zero cost shares being manufactured, there is no easy way to fix it (The SEC likely could care less about these pink sheet stocks; probably makes their job easier if they can just drift into nothingness).

Best Regards