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Math Junkie

01/29/03 12:21 PM

#3707 RE: extelecom #3704

I was always under the impression that Catholics could do as they wanted as long as they confessed it, but I admit that is an impression from an outsider.

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01/29/03 1:04 PM

#3711 RE: extelecom #3704

It was my impression that Richard would not be counted among the "saved", that Richard was more a "wretch" like the rest of us, but I'm guessing (and kidding), of course.

I agree with you about "heaven", tho, since so few are actually going... If "heaven" means that one is required to spend eternity with Ralph Reed, Robertson, Falwell and Tammy Faye, maybe "eternal damnation" is not such a bad thing, after all - provided one can handle the warmer climate.... :)

Someone mentioned teaching the "saved" doctrine to children, which brings up a very good point. We have rightfully criticised the Arab Moslems for teaching hate to their children - institutionalised racism. What do the Born Again folks teach their own regarding "saved" - and who is "saved" - and who is not? What is the effect of such "godly" discrimination on children - and how do children "process" such teachings? It does not sound like "positive parenting".....

"Dear, don't get too attached to little Suzie. You won't be seeing her in heaven. She is a JEW!"

Or "dear, do your best to "save" little Suzie from HELL!"

And we wonder why so many people grow up to be huge bigots?.....