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02/06/12 4:57 PM

#181359 RE: lbdave #181358

Good point lbdave. I missed that significance. UK account is great and adds to the 1st qtr revenues but not a huge deal. Getting the product approved for the EU economies is a big deal. Let's see where it goes from here.
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02/06/12 9:56 PM

#181368 RE: lbdave #181358

Blog (Dec 9) Shareholder Question: Europe


Can you tell us something about the progress in Germany / Europe besides the Serbian Connection?


Our launch plans for Europe had been affected by these key preparation factors: A) Gaining authentic confidence that our product compares favourably to others that are available in Europe; B) Ensuring that our formulation can remain compliant not only with current but anticipated legislation that will originate in Europe; C) Having a basis of retail success in North America to build on. It lacks credibility to seek meaningful retailer partnerships in the EU if we have not yet addressed our own back yard.

It is understandable that it has seemed like there are opportunities that were commenced, but not followed-up on. However, that would be an inaccurate assessment. The Brand Ambassadors that had been established over the past few years in Europe have been very helpful to Winning Brands by providing eyes and ears in the marketplace to perform relevant preparatory tasks. This can be as simple as taking photographs of suitable marketing environments or as involved as conferring on legislation. We are proud of this group of early associates. It has become clear that we have something to offer this market.

We have made progress in earnest now toward more presence in the EU in 2012. And, ironically, our recent progress in America also helps set the stage for more activity in Europe. Therefore, In Q1 we will be supplying all our European Brand Ambassadors with samples of the most recent generation of labels and world formulation to commence serious business development activity in their markets for 2012.

Here too, we will see the merits of having prepared ourselves to do things well.

Since you are writing from Germany, I look forward to you being as enterprising as our American shareholders to introduce 1000+ to family, friends, neighbours and business prospects ;-)

A special thank you to our European shareholders for the extra measure of vision needed to have joined the Winning Brands shareholder family from thousands of kilometers away, sight unseen, with a long term perspective. Soon you will know that marvellous feeling of seeing the company of which you are partial owner offering your product on the shelf of a store in your own community.

The European Union is the world’s largest economy, with over 500 million residents. It has the sophistication to overcome any of the challenges that are in the headlines of the moment. As in America, life will carry on – and that life will include cleaning!
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02/06/12 10:16 PM

#181369 RE: lbdave #181358

Repost: Blog Nov 02 Update - Serbia

ROMA Distributor is preparing to implement new EU regulatory harmonization into their inventory, which just came into effect, as Serbia moves toward EU membership. We are already prepared for this and were merely awaiting word to release the new inventory for their next shipment with adjusted label details for local compliance, once these adjustments were reviewed locally. Consumer experiences with 1000+ Stain Remover have been positive and today’s Purchase Order from Serbia, for approximately 6,000 bottles in two sizes, is the third order from this market. Winning Brands relationship with Roma Distributing will certainly grow in 2012. The link to the Roma website shows 1000+ on the home page.

For the benefit of shareholders who were not following this market earlier, the picture below shows the booth at which 1000+ was first launched, officially, in Europe, this year. The setting was Belgrade. Although European, Serbia is not yet a member of the European Union (world’s largest economy). Membership in the EU is coming closer, and now some regulatory arrangements are being harmonized. Winning Brands expects to have 1000+ Stain Remover in use, elsewhere in the EU, in 2012.