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Almost retired

02/06/12 2:20 PM

#59215 RE: Dan10 #59212

I think the bottom will be whatever it ends up for the moment. However, once the merger is completed and Ross getting the problems he sees cleaned up we will see an increase in pps. Perhaps .25 but it won't end there. It will continue to grow, grow and grow. I just bet you hate the sound of that. Sorry. Go OPMG. You will succeed.

You lost me on that one. I'd love to see .25 or better as I own over a million shares and now about $40k DOWN.

You think I'm some kind of flipper/basher because I post what I see? I have not bought or sold 1 share since last summer! I just call it how I see it. Can't help but see it as it is BRIGHT RED in my portfolio.

BTW. I'll bet we see that 2 million block (L2) lower tomorrow.