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02/05/12 4:19 PM

#564 RE: dpm58 #562

There's really no advantage to using Gorilla Glass in asphalt other than the same reasons for other glass - to recycle waste.

Asphalt containing glass cullet as an aggregate is called “glassphalt,” and has been widely tried as a means to dispose of surplus waste glass since the 1960’s. Glassphalt is basically the same as conventional hot-mix asphalt, except that 5% to 40% of the rock and/or sand aggregate is replaced by crushed glass. The cost-effectiveness of substituting glass for conventional aggregate is highly dependent on the location, the quality and cost of local aggregates, and any credits available for using recycled materials in beneficial re-use applications.


02/06/12 9:50 AM

#566 RE: dpm58 #562

Very nice video uploaded on the 3rd by Corning on YouTube, "A Day Made of Glass 2: Same Day. Expanded Corning Vision".