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02/03/12 7:02 PM

#38242 RE: jimmybuffett2 #38217

Not really new. It just never matters.
Remember a few weeks ago we had a 12:1 buys over sells and the PPS dropped?
The ratio should matter but it doesnt.
Not to mention the Ttrades that have been going on every day for 2 months are not counted in the volume of the day. There are a lot of games going on in the market on this stock. I had a bid in at .073. It should have been the low of the day but it wasnt. They sold right past me and gave a .0721 5000 shares. I was bidding .073 for 20K and they did not give any. After the .0721 the next was a .075 buy I think. the PPS never went back.

Here is another example of the games

explain all the gapping and closing up on down days etc during this period.

On Nov 14 every other trade was an out of sequence trade. All at the bid. Every buy was countered by a sell immediately. I actually complained to the SEC about that one. Not that it helped.
IMO there are people aware of what the future here holds. I think all the people behind the scenes are trying to get their ducks in a row for the inevitable climb.
That is just my guess but I have seen WAY more crooked things happen with the governments ok. The "regulations" on Pinks is so non-existent that all this is allowed to happen. 99% of pinks fail. Who cares what the MMs etc do.
1% of the time they have an issue with a pink that refuses to die. MMs who are short need to cover etc before a big push. That makes for a lot of strange happenings in the market.
You want to proof of this kind of crap just go peek into Washington mutual... this place is heaven in comparison