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02/02/12 4:55 PM

#3496 RE: TigerTrader83 #3495

Thanks , But I decided not to post here anymore.

You right people want me to tell a ffffff lie, that all they want to hear pump, pump, pump, and all I was ever trying to do, was give my honest technical conclusion and opinion as to what going on ?

That's all any of the boards want is a dam pumping lie or lead shareholders in a way that HELPS THEM !

Besides I got to many hours in of learning and loseing money to give my advice free to a board that don't appreciate it !

Anyone that couldn't see all I was doing was trying to help share holders, then they are as DUMB AS THEY CAN GET !

So let the ones that think they know something ,, say it, rather then set there all day like a knot on a hole. If they know anything they are to afraid to even say it as simple as I do and give time ,dates. and PPS, like I did.

good luck to everyone ,I'll keep to myself , because I don't pump or bash , I say it like i see it !

If what I say is postive people love it, but if I see it is negative , then I'm a bad person !

Even Ihub don't like negative remarks, even if what you say turns out to be true !

I throught this board liked honesty,man was I wrong !

good luck with sprint which is getting to be a pos !!