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01/31/12 7:44 PM

#218 RE: ghmm #217

I agree it is getting down there in price. Starting to look like they overspent by a fair margin making the acquisition. Like you, I'm just watching.

I hate rentals but when you can get 10% or so+ return from rents (and that's at 10 months a year) when paying 100% for home, I tend to put up with the headaches. Only looking at foreclosures around here (very competitive bTW, lots of buyers out there last few months). The other stuff is too high priced to make the #s work well as rnetals.
Any appreciation is great, but in the meantime it is a cash generator at 10%+ annually. If you get leverage with home loan 20% or more down, the leverage numbers get better % return on up front money but you lose some money from fees and such with a loan origination, appraisal, etc.
If homes go up in price it's great, if they go down then I hope they go down less than 8% or so a year to keep the net worth level. Anyhow, I'm tolerant enough to do something I don't like if it pays well enough (at least for a little while) :-)

Give it a year or two and I will probably be complaining loudly about rentals and wanting to go back to microcap/stock investing cuz less headache LOL. Good luck!