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01/31/12 4:08 PM

#8179 RE: skepticone #8177

all penny stocks are a scam every pennystock on ihub is a scam that why they are trading in the pennies!!they are all a 1 or 2 day play and then sell it.wait for a big drop in pps jump in wait till it ticks up acouple of ticks and get out and move on to the next one.personally I think SPAH has hit bottom by the way its traded the last 3 days so I bought a few shares at this low pps it goes up a few ticks and Im out and on to the next good buying op,it s really funny when I see peeps calling a penny stock a scam all I got to say is ,NO SHIT SHERLOCK!! play it for what its worth and get out!!!!!!!!!!!!

Captain Black Bob Blanco

01/31/12 5:48 PM

#8181 RE: skepticone #8177

Thanks, I will call and see if I can get some info, later this week. SPAH had 11,000 dollars before the R/S last OCT. It take a small fortune to re-open a mine, and it doesn't happen overnight,especially one that hasn't been active since WWII. Environmental impact studies, economical feasibilty studies, permits, reclamation plans, and bonds have to be posted. Not to mention financing. And the river claims are not mineable before 2016. Graham Gulch area is a very scenic part of california, and is famous for it's fishing. There is no way that the conservation groups are going to let anyone come in and re-open a mine. You can't even drill a water well without a permit, in most of California.
The financials are due in 2 weeks, and should be an interesting read. The dividend share pay deadline is today.
Good luck to you,I hope you get your investment back, and more.

Having been stuck in a few scams myself, I know how it feels. If my posts stop others from being able to feed on the ignorance of newbies, as they show up for a day, flip after a few upticks and move on to the next one, oh well!


01/31/12 10:49 PM

#8186 RE: skepticone #8177

There are two basic categories of mining claims, Patented and Unpatented. The most common type of these is the unpatented claim.

Here is a partial list of activities that are specifically prohibited on an unpatented mining claim (lode or placer):

HOBBY or CURIO SHOPS, CAFES, TOURIST STANDS (These are all "no-nos" in terms of how your claim can be used.)

NON-MINING RELATED HABITATION (You can't use your claim as land to live on, build a residence or vacation cabin, and so on. Any structures erected have to be associated directly with your mining activites and these are usually MINIMAL for a placer mine operation. However, you can camp out or be "in residency" on a public lands claim for up to 14 continous days over any 90-day period.)

CULTIVATION (Your claim can't be used to grow crops of any sort, legal or otherwise.)

ANIMAL MAINTENANCE or PASTURAGE (No, you can't use your claim as a cattle range, grazing area or as horse stables, and so on.)

SMALL TRADE OR MANUFACTURING CONCERNS (Your claim can't be used as a location for small business or manufacturing.)

WASTE DISPOSAL/RECYCLING (No, you can't use your claim as a dumping ground for trash, old cars and equipment, or toxic wastes. Additionally, your claim cannot be used as a recycling center for other people's waste.)

SEARCHING FOR BURIED TREASURE, TREASURE TROVE, or ARCHAEOLOGICAL SPECIMENS (Interestingly enough, you cannot search for buried treasure or treasure trove on your claim. Nor can you use it to loot archaelogical sites or recover artifacts. Your claim is strictly for mining, nothing else.)

HUNTING or FISHING CAMPS (You cannot use your claim as a hunting or fishing camp, or any other related "pay-as-you-go" enterprise.)

TIMBER or VEGETATION REMOVAL (You cannot remove trees or vegetation from your claim unless necessary for conducting mining operations.)

As an unpatented claim holder,you DO have the right to prevent others from trespassing on your claim to prospect or mine.
You CANNOT, however, prevent others from crossing your claim to engage in lawful recreational activities, provided those activities don't interfere with your mining operations.
(For example, if a fisherman casts flies for trout upstream from where you have your dredge running, you can only wave hello at him and go about the business at hand.)