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01/31/12 1:40 PM

#5072 RE: Rdoggy #5071

Rdoggy, how can you tell that they are naked shorts? Do you have a way of knowing how many are actually out there on the short interest? Thanks


01/31/12 1:43 PM

#5073 RE: Rdoggy #5071

yup, it sure is.


02/09/12 2:45 AM

#5261 RE: Rdoggy #5071


VFIN has been noted to be lax in their compliance with shorting regulations.

This is the list that you really have to master because these are the MARKET MAKERS that can kill a stock in a hurry when there are the sitting on right side of the box on Level 2.

HDSN: killed CKYS single-handedly


CGFL: new kid on the block for sub dilution

RBCM: Old CLYP. Has killed many sub penny stocks in the past to no-bid.

FANC: used to be a heavy S-8 seller. May show up once in a great while.

SSGI: aggressive on sub penny stocks

If you can document this data and explain how it was collected, it might get someone with regulatory authority to remind VFIN that they should at least pretend to comply with the short selling regulations,