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01/31/12 11:20 AM

#16410 RE: milo3 #16409

Oh I'm not laughing milo3, I have read and researched everything you just discussed. I felt really compelled to go and purchase myself a "pocket constitution", 20 of them actually. I figured I cannot fix the problem but I can sure as hell hand out copies to friends and family in hopes they will re-educate themselves and then pass the knowledge on to another. If "We the People" do not follow and stand up for the principles in which this country was formed, then we have nobody to blame but ourselves! I know that it can seem redundant, time consuming, and sometimes hopeless, but people that have concerns need to be writing or emailing your congressmen and other state and local elected officials, SERVANTS FOR THE PEOPLE, and be consistent in voicing your concerns. Hell, I have the same email I typed up 2 years ago to a State Senator, sent it time and time again without changing much of anything in the email. Well, now this Senator has "retired", no I think he quit because his seat was up for re-election and he knew he didn't stand a chance against our fiscally conservative republican Governor contender. My point is to never give up hope and help encourage and educate each other in a civil manner to stand up for our Constitutional rights! Lastly, how long do you think it will be before we see a gold and silver backed currency again? What other way is there?