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01/30/12 2:52 AM

#166696 RE: F6 #166692

Yet many whites feel they are more discriminated against .. before a search-check which unearthed this one

White People Face the Worst Racism?

thought i'd read it here before .. this one was about ready to go, so ..

'Whites suffer more racism than blacks': Study shows white
American people believe they are more discriminated against

By Daily Mail Reporter

Last updated at 1:45 PM on 24th May 2011 Comments (52)

White Americans feel they are more discriminated against than blacks, a new study reveals.

Sociologists from Harvard and Tufts universities asked 209 white and 208 black men and women to rate 'racism' against both ethnic groups since the 1950s on a scale of one to 10.

The results showed that while both blacks and whites saw anti-black racism decreasing over the decades, whites saw race relations as a 'zero sum game' where they were losing out as blacks 'gained' the advantage.

Racism: A group of American whites perceived they were more
discriminated against than blacks

Michael Norton (left) and Samuel R Sommers conducted the research into
perceptions of racism to analyse theories about 'post racial' America

The results, published in the journal Perspectives on Psychological Science, showed that on average blacks saw anti-white bias rising slightly from 1.4 in the 1950s to 1.8 today.

Blacks also perceived that racism against themselves had steeply declined from 9.7 in the 1950s to 6.1 in the 90s.

White respondents, however, saw a very different picture.

For the 2000s, 11 per cent of whites gave anti-white bias the maximum 10 out of 10 rating, compared with only two per cent of whites who did so for anti-black bias.

Whites believed that discrimination against them had increased from an average of 1.8 in the 1950s to 4.7 in the 2000s.

All those surveyed were asked: 'Indicate how much you think blacks/whites were/are the victims of discrimination in the United States in each of the following decades.'

Responding to the results, researchers Michael Norton and Samuel Sommers said that despite predictions that Barack Obama's election in 2008 would herald a 'post racial' America, this had not in fact occurred.

They concluded: 'A flurry of legal and cultural disputes over the past decade has revealed a new race-related controversy gaining traction: an emerging belief in anti-white prejudice.

Whites believed that discrimination against them had increased
from an average of 1.8 in the 1950's to 4.7 in the 2000s.

'Whites believe...the pendulum has now swung beyond equality in the direction of anti-white discrimination.'

'Whites think more progress has been made toward equality than do blacks, but whites also now believe that this progress is linked to a new inequality—at their expense.'

Citing several studies, researchers speculated that white people tended to see any focus on ethnic minorities as an 'attack' on white values.


Whites Feel Discriminated Against
June 13, 2011 — 126 Comments

Kevin MacDonald

A recent psychology paper suggests a bit of trouble on the road to our glorious multicultural future. The title says it all: “Whites See Racism as a Zero-Sum Game That They Are Now Losing” by Michael I. Norton and Samuel R. Sommers (Perspectives on Psychological Science 6(3), 215-218, 2011). The paper documents “an emerging belief in anti-White prejudice” — the belief “that Whites have replaced Blacks as the primary victims of discrimination.” Participants were asked about their perceptions of discrimination against Blacks and against Whites in each decade going back to the 1950s. Here are the results:

The claim by Norton and Somers that Whites view discrimination as a zero sum game is based solely on the fact that the lines in the above chart cross: perceptions of Black discrimination against Whites have risen as perceptions of White discrimination against Blacks have fallen. But to say that this implies that Whites see discrimination as a zero sum game is a non-sequitur, since the curves could be going in opposite directions for quite different reasons. (As all first-year psychology students are aware, correlation does not imply causality.) As indicated below, there are very real reasons why Whites feel discriminated against increasingly in recent decades, and this is likely independent of the reality that there is demonstrably less discrimination against Blacks.

A paper like this published in a first rate academic journal has to follow certain ground rules. The authors imply that Whites’ belief in anti-White discrimination is irrational because “by nearly any metric—from employment to police treatment, loan rates to education—statistics continue to indicate drastically poorer outcomes for Black than White Americans.” This comment fits well with the general the general tenor of the comments .. .. by several academics (including Norton and Somers) invited by the NYTimes: Yes indeed there is discrimination against Whites via well-publicized affirmative action cases, but Whites are still dramatically better off than Blacks, so get over it. [my bold]

I probably should have qualified my comment by including something like 'the conflict about change must be much greater among many non-whites knowing their 'family' have, still do, suffered so much more discrimination than whites have.

It makes me very happy

to see many of those 'family' boundaries being breached even ever so slowly,

as our (some so damn ignorant)

homo-sapien family continues on it's merry (ok, too oft not so, yet) evolves ever more.