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AliEn BRaInZ stox

01/29/12 7:28 PM

#40 RE: V63 #39

There are allot of people trying to hold UBRG down for cheeps. And there still a few short and just being stubborn.

UBRG has more legit deals and references than any OTC that I am aware of.
We have to ALWAYS KEEP IN MIND that anything is possible in the stock market whether it's big boards or otc's so use caution AS ALWAYS.

UBRG has never paid for a promotion. I think a few letters called UBRG as a play last year when it started to heat up but UBRG has no interest in pump and as far as I am aware of they have never paid any $ for awareness.
They are feeding investors a steady line of press updates which I like.
Do some DD.
We could be sittting on a 3 or $4 stock within the next couple of years if not sooner.