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01/27/12 1:32 AM

#166502 RE: F6 #166496

Obama Defense Plan: Fewer Troops and More Drones

—By Adam Weinstein | Thu Jan. 26, 2012 8:45 AM PST .. 11

On Thursday, the Pentagon's top leaders are expected to release new details on how they'll scale back military programs to meet President Obama's goal of $487 billion in defense cuts .. .. over the next decade. But Republicans in the House and Senate are already plotting how to blunt the impact of the proposed cuts.

At a briefing Thursday afternoon, Defense Secretary Leon Panetta and Joint Chiefs Chairman Gen. Martin Dempsey will announce they're slashing Army troop levels by 80,000 soldiers, or 14 percent of the force, while expanding bases for drones .. .. and increasing spending on the types of special forces that killed Osama bin Laden .. .. and rescued an American hostage in Somalia this week, .. .. according to the Wall Street Journal. .. .. "The administration has done a very good job of drafting a budget that meets our strategic needs. The budget reflects a sound understanding of the threats we face, and matches the resources to meet those threats," Adam Smith (D-Wash.), the ranking Democrat on the House Armed Services Committee, told Politico after being briefed on the defense plan.

Advertise on [lol, the first ad i've left in]

Obama's budget proposal is a mixed bag for progressives—along with drones, notable boondoggles like the trillion-dollar F-35 fighter jet .. .. fared well, and war funding isn't addressed. As Lawrence Korb, a former DOD official and defense analyst for the Center for American Progress, pointed out ..!/LarryKorb/status/162224139728465922 .. Thursday, the Obama plan effectively reduces military spending by 8 percent; in his second term, Ronald Reagan managed to cut it by 10 percent.

Still, it's Capitol Hill conservatives who are hopping mad over the cuts, despite agreeing to them in principle during last year's debt crisis, when they approved a "sequestration" bill to trigger automatic federal spending reductions. Rep. Buck McKeon (R-Calif.), .. .. the chairman of the House Armed Services Committee and a longtime defender of military pork, .. .. told Politico he was concerned how quickly the military could ramp up troops and programs if another war broke out. "How do they reverse the shelving of ships and aircraft that we just don't buy?" he asked. "When we cut 100,000 troops out of the Army and Marine Corps, how do you get the experience back overnight?" That threat of war, he added, was far more imminent than President Obama acknowledged: "It's like we live in a peaceful world in his mind."

Republicans in both houses of Congress are already planning an offensive against the Obama military budget. McKeon has introduced a House bill .. .. that would push sequestration back a year and save cash in the meantime by barring federal agencies from replacing workers who leave their jobs. Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.), who's currently on the Florida primary campaign trail stumping for Mitt Romney, told Foreign Policy .. .. Wednesday that he, too, would soon unveil a plan to avoid the trigger cuts to defense.

But although Republicans agree they hate the defense cuts, they disagree on how to fight them. McCain said McKeon's bill was "not good," and the GOP House leadership has yet to get behind any of the plans. Conservatives have told the American public that cost-cutting is key, and they're battling a president whose State of the Union address reminded a war-fatigued populace that the Iraq war is over and the war in Afghanistan is winding down. For once, it might be possible that Republicans don't have the stomach .. .. for a fight over military spending.

Adam Weinstein is Mother Jones' national security reporter. For more of his stories, click here or follow him on Twitter. RSS | Twitter

Liberals see the world as a unity. Republicans see political and economic conflict as a zero sum game,
even though black and white ideologically concreted approaches in the face of policy differences suck.

ps: darn, another inside image i can't copy.

See also:

Andrew Sullivan: How Obama's Long Game Will Outsmart His Critics

Former Sec'ty of Defense Gates' talk was very interesting.

Aw, look at this rooster. Your little girlfriend is going "rogue" again.

Under Obama, an emerging global apparatus for drone killing


09/07/12 3:01 AM

#184233 RE: F6 #166496

Watch: Record-breaking swarm of 50 quadrocopters puts on show

Image Credit: rubra/Ars Electronica

By Kevin Hall
6:49PM on Sep 4, 2012

Residents of Linz, Austria recently saw lights in the sky. 50 of them, actually, as that's the number of quadrotors [ ] that took to the air to perform a synchronized light show.

Called "The Cloud in the Web," the show featured 50 AscTec Hummingbird quadrocopters all communicating via radio, programmed by a team formed from Ars Electronica Futurelab and Ascending Technologies GmbH. 50 is apparently the highest number of quadrotors that have synchronized with one another all at once, and it's definitely the highest number we've ever seen.

Check it out in the video below [ ].
The little 'copters move around from just looking pretty to creating shapes and the aerial positioning of the swarm [ ] is notable in that it doesn't appear to be affected by the wind. Even on a still day, if you go high enough you'll catch a gust, and these 'copters look pretty high to us.

Via Ars Electronica [ ]

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11/29/12 2:01 AM

#194328 RE: F6 #166496

Navy Drone Boards Aircraft Carrier for 1st Time

U.S. Navy Sailors assist with the onload of the X-47B Unmanned Combat Air System (UCAS) demonstrator aboard the aircraft carrier USS Harry S. Truman on Nov. 26, 2012.
CREDIT: U.S. Navy | Mass Communication Specialist 3rd Class Lorenzo J. Burleson

TechNewsDaily Staff
Date: 28 November 2012 Time: 01:02 PM ET

A robotic drone the size of a fighter jet has deployed aboard a U.S. Navy aircraft carrier for the first time in history.

The Navy's X-47B robot warplane [ ] is leading a revolution in robotic warfare that could replace many of the U.S. military's manned aircraft in coming decades. The aircraft carrier USS Harry S. Truman took the drone aboard on Nov. 26 to prepare for its first flight tests at sea — a crucial step toward ensuring that robotic aircraft can take off and land as part of normal carrier operations.

"We've been testing the aircraft for the last several years and to finally put it on a ship is so exciting," said Cmdr. Kevin Watkins, flight test director for the Navy Unmanned Combat Air System program. "If these tests are successful, they will prove that the future for unmanned aircraft is wide open."

X-47B has a stealthy "flying wing" shape resembling a flying saucer [ ] from the side and a wingspan of more than 62 feet (19 meters) — wider than that of the F/A-18 Super Hornet fighter jets that commonly operate from U.S. Navy carriers.

The U.S. Navy's X-47B drone is hoisted aboard the aircraft carrier USS Harry S. Truman in preparation for flight testing at sea.
CREDIT: U.S. Navy courtesy of Northrop Grumman | Alan Radecki

The USS Harry S. Truman has the honor of becoming the first modern aircraft carrier to play home to testing for such an unmanned aircraft. Testing over a three-week period is scheduled to take place while the carrier is both sitting in port and under way at sea. [Could the Navy Ever Build a Flying Aircraft Carrier? [ ]]

"It means a lot to our crew to be part of naval history," said Lt. Cmdr. Larry Tarver, aircraft handling officer on the USS Harry S. Truman. "We have sailors who received additional training to safely move the X-47B and they are excited to play a part in its testing."

Past flight tests for the X-47B include taking off and landing from a Navy air base and testing the drone's software "brains" that would allow it to conduct midair refueling on its own. The drone is also expected to have the ability to take off and land from a carrier without direct human control.

Still, a human drone operator would still stand by even if he or she is not controlling the drone directly. The operator also has an arm-worn joystick controller that can guide the X-47B drone as it taxis on the deck of an aircraft carrier.

No weapon testing has taken place with the X-47B so far. But the Navy undoubtedly wants a fighter-size drone that could one day carry either guns or missiles with a license to kill.



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This story was provided by TechNewsDaily [ ], a sister site to LiveScience.

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