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07/28/05 9:55 AM

#28072 RE: ifitlooks #28066

Yeah, I saw that

This is the exact reason why I believe NEOM chose SAIC. The launch of PC is in essence very complex and involves many different parties across many different continents, not to mention legal issues concerning mass market acceptance and activation.
All of this must involve a monumental and collaberative effort. I believe only one company, e.g. SAIC has the knowhow, government connections, financial resources and extended reach to be able to pull it off:

"NeoMedia has agreed with SAIC to jointly establish, launch, promote and manage the new worldwide mobile PaperClick WordRegistry, a linking and switching platform for use on Web-enabled cell phones and PDA's."

"WordRegistry will be the official mechanism and repository of information and data pertaining to direct mappings of words and word phrases to their associated digital content. Words or word phrases registered by marketing-driven companies will enable on-going interactive communications between marketer and customer."

"Words and phrases will work on NeoMedia's recently-introduced PaperClick Mobile Go-Window, a wireless product that creates a text-entry window on a PDA or cell phone screen in which users can enter a registered Word, such as a product name, or ID and be automatically linked to specific targeted information via patented PaperClick technology and software."

"SAIC is the nation's largest employee-owned research and engineering company, providing information technology, systems integration and eSolutions to commercial and government customers. SAIC engineers and scientists work to solve complex technical problems in national and homeland security, energy, the environment, space, telecommunications, health care, transportation and logistics. With annual revenues of $6.7 billion, SAIC and its subsidiaries, including Telcordia Technologies, have more than 44,000 employees at offices in more than 150 cities worldwide."

This whole PC initiave is no small undertaking. It is simply huge. The only question I have is who holds the repository data? This alone is a key ingredient to the overall functionality of PC.

PC will not only change the way mobile marketing looks, it will change the way we look at mobile marketing forever.

All the Best, JP