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01/26/12 8:24 AM

#5568 RE: Jackroch #5562

First, debt increased ie loss of cash and capital with each quarter. That's not much of an improvement. Best in their field? What field would that be in? PEG??? Not a profitable arena. And still no discussion on the points brought up by management in the proposed proxy document. Let's wait for the next 10Q.

Also on another point brought up in reference to an Ipod, yes if you want an ipod you have to go to Apple, but there are plenty of MP3 players and now smart phones that do much more than an IPOD. So just because you have ONE item that has been recognized, there are many other options available to the consumer. If, TEVE had a monopoly on this area, with only their equipment, don't you think they'd be making money instead of losing it? And looking at the IPOD it has progressed consistently. It's not what it was a year ago. Because of Profitability companies can spend to greatly improve their products and technology. How much money does Telvue have for R&D?