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01/25/12 12:42 AM

#166321 RE: StephanieVanbryce #166314

Obama's State Of The Union Wishlist
1-24-2012 11:29 PM

President Obama made a lot of calls for specific actions by Congress at his State of the
Union, as presidents are oft to do. We put them together in one giant video wishlist below:


* a bill with tax reforms for more American jobs

* legislation which makes penalties for fraud count

* a bill for more jobs for construction workers who need them

* pass the payroll tax cut without delay

* a bill to expand tax relief for small business which are raising wages and creating good jobs

* a bill which gives many good people a chance to earn citizenship

* give me authority to consolidate the federal bureaucracy

* pass a simple rule, that all judicial and public service nominations receive a simple up-and-down vote in 90 days

* clean energy .. (in his speech he mentioned 'all of the above' meaning all sources of energy should be advanced)

* a bill to ban insider-trading by members of congress

Of course! .. they should be made to play by the same rules as everybody else ..