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01/23/12 3:37 PM

#38219 RE: rocky301 #38216

But is not just the NDA... as long as the trials continue and there is progress and the science works... the PPS will continue to go up. I do not see ACTC getting to market as the company it is now. It will either be bought out or partner with a huge pharm if the science plays out correctly. IMO


01/23/12 3:39 PM

#38220 RE: rocky301 #38216

Rocky......I tend to agree, but compassionate use with SMD(if it occurs) may hasten the final NDA on AMD in IMO...


01/23/12 4:23 PM

#38234 RE: rocky301 #38216

I agree, rocky. I am hoping a couple of years, maybe a little longer. Gastro, I note, has further defined his sense of it to "2-5 years" which certainly is reasonable. I was initially reacting to the post of:

"Yes and they say years before commercialization?"

Those in the media who have said something like that and further defined it often said "10-15 years" and a lot of them even said "decades." I was taking issue with my sense of that as the prevailing position of the media.

I agree with your statement of "a couple years" and Gastro's follow-up statement of "2-5 years."


01/23/12 5:00 PM

#38250 RE: rocky301 #38216

Rocky, I agree that it would be at least 2 years even for compassionate use approval and 2-4 years before they would bring in significant income. In that time they would likely get a JV as they could not distribute it in mass quantities without a major drug company that is ventured with them. The good thing is we all know that the pps is not based on your present earnings but what your future earnings are. If the studies as we go on this year confirm the same results than you are talking about potential income of 10-30 billion dollars in 5 years or so. Never mind some of the other things they are involved in that could begin to generate income around that time. This stock could shoot up quickly based on the future earnings in a few years, again if the studies continue to confirm the same results. People won't wait till the final approval or the income begins to role in.


01/23/12 5:33 PM

#38263 RE: rocky301 #38216

And then what is the market value?